Our Staff

At PRN we recognise our Support staff are the public face of the company and having the right people is vital for the delivery of a quality service. Support staff are chosen for their empathy, trustworthiness and positive approach to their role.

We implement a robust recruitment policy which not only includes mandatory professional reference and criminal record checks but also the implementation of an induction programme which exceeds the requirements set out by the CQC (Care Quality Commission).In addition to this, all staff work practice is monitored and checked on a consistent basis.

Our staff are supported by senior workers and office based staff, who provide round the clock back up to our workers in the community.

PRN actively encourages the personal development of all members of the workforce, providing internal and external training to all employees. To date, 80% of our workforces have achieved a recognised qualification in care.

If you want to be part of the PRN care team, please click here.